Untitled Document SCTP: Saudi Center for Theoretical Physics

 المركز السعودي للفيزياء النظرية
Saudi Center for Theoretical Physics



Welcome to The Saudi Center for Theoretical Physics (SCTP)

Saudi Center for Theoretical physics was informally founded at KFUPM almost 20 years ago in the early 90s. The original work was limited to atomic and nuclear scattering using the J-matrix approach. Membership increased from only a few (Profs. Yamani and Abdelmonem) to more that 15 as regular, associates, and students; ranging from local to international membership. Research areas are expanding in step with membership. SCTP was established in February 2009  under the patronage of HRH Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz. The aim of the center is to expand and strengthen the mission of the Group and make transition towards fulfilling the vision of establishing a national Center running on an efficient, flexible, independent, and highly motivated system for promoting quality work in various fields of theoretical physics. This can only result in significant contributions towards the national development in science and engineering in Saudi Arabia.


Note: Website is underconstruction 

  Untitled Document

News & Events

10-08-2012- Welcome SCTP new website. 

10-08-2012 New 2

Director's Message



Untitled Document SCTP: Saudi Center for Theoretical Physics